Selective Nitrogen determination ammonium nitrate reference standards direct devarda distillation

Kjel Line and MultiDist:

Nitrogen determination in sodium nitrate and ammonium dihydrogen phosphate by direct and Devarda distillation

Selective Nitrogen determination ammonium nitrate reference standards direct devarda distillation

The Devarda method is used for the determination of nitrogen as sum parameter in nitrate and nitrite. However, this method is not suitable in the presence of organic compounds, calcium cyanamide or carbamide. Devarda’s alloy reacts with sodium hydroxide to form hydrogen. The produced hydrogen reduces the nitrate and nitrite to ammonia. The ammonia is steam distilled and trapped in boric acid solution and titrated with sulfuric acid.

In this Application we present the Devarda Distillation of sodium nitrate mixed with ammonium dihydrogen diphosphate and the selective direct distillation of ammonium dihydrogen phosphate in the presence of sodium nitrate without addition of Devarda’s alloy.

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