Total sulfur dioxide determination in dried apricots by BUCHI method

MultiDist and BasicDist with BUCHI SO2 glass set: Determination of total sulfur dioxide in dried apricot mousse as a reference sample, bio-apricots & a reference standard sodium metabisulfite by the patented BUCHI Method with iodometric titration.

Total sulfur dioxide determination in dried apricots by BUCHI method

Sulfites are widely used as preservatives and antioxidants in foods and beverages. Exposure to high levels of sulfites can cause an allergic reaction. Given the health risks associated with sulfite exposure, its amount in beverages and foods is regulated in many countries. Regulations have set the maximum amount of sulfites used and required labelling practice to indicate the presence of sulfites. A typical application of food preservation with sulfites is in dried fruit like dried apricots. For this reason, a reference sample of dried apricot mousse with a certified total SO2 content and a sample without any sulfite treatment were analysed for Total SO2 in this study.

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