5 Mai. 2025 – 9 Mai. 2025

NIRCal Calibration Training May 2025

Take a deep dive into the world of NIR spectra modelling and calibration. The course is designed for NIRFlex N-500/ NIRMaster users who are in charge of developing quantitative and qualitative calibrations with BUCHI chemometric software NIRCal.
  • Type:Lokale Seminare

Training content (day 1): Spectroscopy, SW/HW

-Physical background of the NIR and measurement principle of the BUCHI NIRFlex N-500 Polarization FT-NIR System;
-Spectrometer techniques
-Software and Hardware overview & Service
-Life cycle concept
-Database maintenance
-Security settings
-Roadmap for routine application use


Training content (day 2, 3): Qualitative Part

-NIRWare settings, Management of applications and measurements;
-Database handling and archiving; 
-Lifecycle concept;
-Chemometric theory of Principal Component Analysis;
-Creation of qualitative calibrations (Cluster) and applications; 
-Use of pre-calibrated applications
--> Requires Web Based Training to be completed prior to registration


Training content (day 4, 5): Quantitative Part

NIRWare settings, Management of applications and measurements;
-Database handling and archiving; 
-Lifecycle concept;
-Chemometric theory of Principal Component Analysis;
-Creation of quantitative calibrations (PCR, PLS) and applications;
-Use of pre-calibrated applications
--> Requires Web Based Training to be completed prior to registration


The qualitative training module is designed to enable you to perform proper identification of your substances. The quantitative part teaches you to quantify the desired parameters of your substances.

5 Mai. 2025 – 9 Mai. 2025
3 to 5 days (starts Monday 10.00 h / ends Friday 17.00 h)
Meierseggstrasse 40, 9230 Flawil, Switzerland
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
CHF 4,000 (for 5 days), CHF 2,400 (for 3 days); for further participant from same company: CHF 2,000 (for 5 days); CHF 1,200 (3 days)

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