From Grandfather to Grandson, a Glassblowing Legacy
Hello, and welcome back to the “Colorful Researchers” blog. I’m Peter, one of the evaporation specialists here at BUCHI. For my first post, I’d like to talk about how I ended up working on the development and refinement of evaporation equipment and techniques. My journey started before I was born, with the work of my grandfather, a very talented glassblower who worked for BUCHI in the 1960’s. The importance of glass blowing in laboratory equipment and science in general cannot be underestimated. Over the years, many key developments got us to where we are today.
Shaping the World, a Brief History of Glass
The history of glass can be traced back to several key periods as far back as ancient Egypt, where some of the earliest known glass artifacts, such as beads and amulets, were created mainly for decorative purposes. The Romans significantly advanced glass-making techniques and helped develop clear glass through the introduction of manganese and decolorizing agents. During the Islamic golden age, alchemists developed various types of glassware for their experiments, such as alembics for distillation. From the medieval period through the Renaissance, many more types of glass vessels were developed, and the transparency of the glass was crucial for observing chemical reactions. The clarity of glass led to the development of the microscope and the telescope, which relied on glass lenses. These advancements in the 17th and 18th centuries revolutionized the sciences, and the industrial revolution in the 19th century and beyond brought about the mass production and standardization of glass. This period saw the introduction of borosilicate glass, known for its heat resistance, which became a staple in scientific laboratories.
Crafting Perfection and the Continued Need for Skilled Glassblowers
Even though the Industrial Revolution brought mass production, the high-precision scientific glassware for laboratory equipment still required a human touch. The development of the rotary evaporator introduced a high degree of control over temperature and the vacuum being applied to the glass flasks used. Handling the heat and stress of modern laboratory methods requires creating a round glass flask with uniformly thick walls that are perfectly concentric to the joint, guaranteeing the longevity of the rotary evaporator's drivetrain. Achieving uniform thickness in a round flask requires a high level of skill and experience in glassblowing. People like my grandfather had mastered the art of maintaining a consistent temperature and rotation during the blowing process to ensure even distribution of the glass. Even once the uniform round shape had been achieved, the round body had to be aligned concentrically with the joint, like a neck or connecting point, adding a further layer of complexity.
Beyond the round flasks, a rotary evaporator also has cooling coils in the condenser formed from very long glass tubes. The cooling coils are designed to maximize surface area within a limited space, and the extended length increases the surface area for heat exchange and enhances the cooling capacity. The glass tubing in these coils is typically made from borosilicate glass known for its thermal resistance and chemical stability. Despite being thin, these materials are engineered for their flexibility and durability. My Grandfather likened the flexibility of the coils to the Schwyzerörgeli, a traditional Swiss accordion, and the comparison goes beyond flexibility. The meticulous and artistic process of glassblowing and the musical artistry of playing the Schwyzerörgeli both require a deep connection with the material or instrument, a blend of technical skill and personal expression. In glass blowing, bending glass requires precise control of temperature and movement, much like playing the accordion demands precise control of the keys and bellows. The glassblower carefully heats the glass to the perfect malleability before bending it into shape, and the musician must apply the right amount of pressure and timing to create the desired notes and rhythms. My grandfather spent years training to acquire these skills and to get rid of the sharp edges where the thin coils connected to the heavy jacket of the condenser. He told me that sharp edges were like cracks and could literally grow. Critical junctures where glass is attached or connected act like stress concentrators, increasing the likelihood of cracks or breakage. In laboratory equipment, these junctures are subjected to thermal cycling and mechanical stress; therefore, smooth connections are vital for the safety and longevity of the equipment.
I remember being fascinated by the strength of precision glass during my university days. We had spent weeks working on a particular substance, and I dropped the glass flask during the transfer. My heart skipped a beat! To our amazement, the glass struck the solid floor, but it didn’t shatter – it bounced! I was unaware at the time, but the glass was coated in a safety coating which prevented it from shattering. Our precious substance remained in the flask, and we were able to continue with our research. A plastic coating helps contain shards and chemicals even if the glass breaks, reducing the risk of injury or spillage. This is particularly useful when handling hazardous or precious substances. The coatings used are usually very thin and designed to be transparent and non-reactive, preserving the visibility and chemical integrity of the contents.
To this day, progress is still being made when it comes to the development of laboratory glassware, and BUCHI remains at the forefront of these developments as it has been since 1939 when Walter Büchi founded a glassblowing workshop. I look forward to continuing this rich legacy and further refining laboratory evaporation equipment, providing the robust instrumentation required to meet the demands of the various industries that take advantage of our precision instruments.