Separation of citral isomers from lemongrass oil by flash and prep HPLC

Separation of citral isomers from lemongrass oil by flash and prep HPLC

Separation of citral isomers from lemongrass oil by flash and prep HPLC
Lemongrass is cultivated around the world. It`s mainly grown for its oils, which have a number of uses including for vitamin A, perfumes, insect spray, cosmetics, perfumes, food and drinks. Lemongrass is also enjoyed as a tea throughout the world. Lemongrass oil contains several monoterpenes, with citral being the major component, present at levels between 65-85%. Citral (3,7-dimethyl-2,6- octadienal) is the name given to a natural mixture of two isomeric acyclic monoterpene aldehydes: geranial (transcitral, citral A) and neral (cis-citral, citral B). In addition to citral, the lemongrass oil consists of small quantities of geraniol, geranylacetate, and monoterpene olefins, such as myrcene.

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