Monitoring raw material quality in the flour milling industry

Monitoring raw material quality in the flour milling industry with a BUCHI NIR-Online® process analyzer: Protein, Moisture, Ash with NIR.

Monitoring raw material quality in the flour milling industry

Monitoring the quality of raw material (wheat, durum, rye, corn etc.) prior to the milling process is critical in order to produce the correct type of flour according to customer requirements. Real-time information about key parameters such as moisture, protein or ash allows to decide on unloading or rejecting incoming goods, on their segregation, as well as on the optimization of the mixing step for highest quality and profit. Additionally, the external appearance of grains can be measured using a high-resolution CCD camera providing more transparency of the entire delivery e.g., rejection of Out-of-Specification material (presence of foreign grains, contamination and even ergot). With the installation of a BUCHI NIR-Online® process sensor at the raw material intake, grain composition and quality are monitored and documented in a fast, simple, and reliable way.

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