Spray Drying of Lignin

Application Note Mini Spray Dryer B-290 Lignin
Spray Drying of Lignin

Lignin is a natural polymer that is found in plants and is one of the most abundant organic materials on earth. Spray drying has been investigated as a method for the production of lignin powders for use in various industries.

The main areas of spray drying of lignin include the biofuels, polymer, and agriculture industries. In the biofuels industry, spray-dried lignin powders are used as a component of biofuels production to increase fuel efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In the polymer industry, spray-dried lignin powders are used as a natural additive to improve the strength and durability of polymers. In the agriculture industry, spray-dried lignin powders are used as a soil amendment to improve soil health and promote plant growth.

Overall, spray drying of lignin has a specific application in the biofuels, polymer, and agriculture industries. The use of spray drying can offer several advantages such as improved solubility, uniform particle size, and reduced transportation costs, making it a preferred technique for the production of lignin powders in these industries. However, the high cost of lignin production and the limited availability of lignin sources are significant challenges that need to be addressed for the wider adoption of spray-dried lignin powders in industry.

Please see the application note for starting paramters, formulations and some results.

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