Spray Drying of Mannitol and Trehalose

Application Note Mini Spray Dryer B-290 Mannitol and Trehalose
Spray Drying of Mannitol and Trehalose

Mannitol and trehalose are two commonly used sugar alcohols that are widely applied in the food, pharmaceutical, and medical industries. Spray drying is a commonly used technique for producing dry powders from liquids, and has been applied to both mannitol and trehalose to create dry, free-flowing powders with improved handling and storage characteristics.

Spray drying of mannitol has been used in a variety of applications, including the production of inhalable drugs, chewable tablets, and sugar-free confectionery products. The process can be used to modify the properties of mannitol, such as controlling its particle size and surface area, and improving its flow and compressibility.

Trehalose has gained increasing attention in recent years due to its unique protective properties for biomolecules and its potential applications in the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries. Spray drying of trehalose has been used to produce a stable, free-flowing powder with improved solubility and storage stability. It has applications in the production of pharmaceuticals, including vaccines and therapeutics, as well as the food and beverage industry for improving the stability and shelf life of products.

In summary, spray drying of mannitol and trehalose is a promising technology that offers a way to produce stable, dry powders with improved handling and storage characteristics. Its applications extend to many different areas of the food, pharmaceutical, and medical industries.

Please see the application note for starting paramters, formulations and some results.

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