Использование органических растворителей в лабораторной лиофильной сушилке
Freeze-dryers were initially intended to be used with water as a solvent. With new applications, freeze-drying is consequently being used more and more in combination with organic solvents instead of water. Organic solvents and inorganic acids and bases are often used in research and development prior to lyophilisation of the sample. The behavior of these new types of samples during freeze-drying must therefore be considered prior to the process.
Sulfated Ash Determination for Pharmaceutical Quality Control
The wet digestion is used to remove all carbonous material from the sample. The remaining inorganic content can be weighed out, resulting in the sulfated ash, or then be used for further elemental analysis. The digestion is performed using concentrated sulfuric acid while heating the mixture. The heat is ramped automatically using the BUCHI Wet Digester B-440. Once the sulfuric acid has digested the sample and is evaporated, the sample is eventually ashed in a muffle oven to remove any remaining organic material.
Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen determination in wastewater
In this application note, an easy and reliable method for the determination of TKN in wastewater is introduced: Samples are digested with the SpeedDigester K-439 using Kjeldahl tablets Titanium. A steam distillation protocol followed by a colorimetric titration in boric acid is performed with the MultiKjel and Metrohm Eco Titrator, respectively, providing reliable and reproducible results.