A Recipe for Change: Celebrating Women’s Contribution to Science


📂 Case overview: Miss Mapple and Nancy Beef have been invited to talk at an important conference in New York. They share their experiences as women working in science and offer advice and tips for others to follow in their footsteps.

It’s early morning, and the detectives are desperate for their coffee. Cornlumbo is busy stuffing a giant burrito into the new microwave as Miss Mapple moves toward the kettle to brew coffee. “Strange,” she murmurs as the kettle refuses to make its reassuring hum.


As soon as the words left her lips, a whirlwind of masculine energy erupted. Shallot, with his technical mind, swooped in like a hawk. “Clearly, a problem with the internal wiring,” he declared, his voice echoing with the confidence of a man who has solved far more complex enigmas.


Meanwhile, Eggcule, desperate for his morning coffee, hollered, “Mon Dieu! We must devise an alternative boiling method post-haste!” his mustache quivering with the urgency of the situation.


With the focus of a mad scientist, Cornlumbo began assembling an absurd contraption of pots, pans, and an array of office supplies, trying to piece together a makeshift water boiler.


Amidst the chaos, the female detectives sat back, their expressions a blend of amusement and contemplation. They watched as the men desperately competed to be the one to solve the problem. Shallot dove into a sea of overly technical solutions, his theories becoming more elaborate by the second. Eggcule, in a flurry of activity, switched the kettle from one outlet to another on the 4-way adapter, his movements a frenetic dance of desperation. Cornlumbo, meanwhile, was teetering on the brink of disaster with his makeshift heating element.


The tension in the room was palpable, like a thundercloud ready to burst. The men were so engrossed with their self-assigned roles, each convinced of his imminent victory over the rebellious appliance. Sherlock, with a fuse in hand, was convinced the heart of the problem lay in the intricate maze of the kettle’s circuitry. Poirot, now muttering about the poor design and inappropriate wire gauge of the cheap 4-way, was a portrait of manic desperation.


It was then that Nancy, with her eagle-eyed perception, noticed the new, power-hungry microwave, its cord sharing the same overloaded 4-way adapter as the kettle. She mentioned this to Miss Mapple, who agreed that this was probably the cause of the problem. With a grace that contrasted sharply the chaos around her, she calmly strode over, unplugged it, and plugged it into a separate outlet on the wall. The room was a cacophony of male bravado, a symphony of futility. Miss Mapple, with the slightest of smiles, quietly reset the tripped power switch. The kettle hummed back to life.


Oblivious to the true cause of their salvation, the men erupted into a chorus of self-congratulation. Sherlock proudly proclaimed his technical intervention as the savior of the day. Eggcule was certain it was his strategic relocation of the plug that had restored order. Cornlumbo, nursing a minor burn with a slightly sheepish grin, just nodded along, happy to be part of the solution.


In the corner of the room, Miss Mapple and Nancy Beef exchanged a knowing glance as they watched the men bask in the glory of their imagined triumph.


“You can get back to making the coffee now,” said Holmes. Miss Mapple bit her tongue before calmly replying, “Well, I’m sure with all your technical prowess, you can manage to brew a cup of coffee, Shallot.”


The phone rang, and Shallot immediately delegated the task to Eggcule. On the line was a former client that Nancy had helped perform nutrition analysis using NIR spectroscopy. Shallot was a little surprised when the client asked if he could speak with Nancy. Nancy took the phone and chatted with the former client.


As Nancy hung up, the detectives were keen to know what had been discussed. Nancy told the group that the client had secured a slot at a big event that was about to take place in New York. “New York! I’ve always wanted to visit the Big Apple,” says Eggcule. “Fantastic, when do we leave,” says Shallot. “I’m not sure you guys will be required,” says Nancy. The men look dumbfounded. “There are two slots available, and they will be taken by Miss Mapple and myself,” says Nancy. “Why you two? that hardly sounds fair,” exclaimed Cornlumbo. “Fair?” Nancy says with a slight smile. “Well, I’m not sure you guys quite have what it takes to speak at this conference,” she says now with a full grin. Cornlumbo, getting defensive, explains that he could easily talk about any topic they could. Nancy, now fully chuckling to herself, says, “I’m sure everyone would love to hear about your experiences as a Woman working in a science role Cornlumbo.” Miss Mapple uncontrollably spits out her coffee and lets out a huge roar of laughter.


Shallot, also very amused, says he couldn’t think of anyone more qualified to talk about the subject and tells Nancy and Miss Mapple to go for as long as they want and that he is very proud of them. “Thank you, Shallot; you don’t realize just how important it is for women to have men as allies.”

The topic of the 9th International Women’s Day is Women in Science Leadership: A New Era for Sustainability. Miss Mapple reads from the website’s description of the event “The 9th Assembly will bring together women in science leaders and experts from around the world, high-level government officials, representatives of international organizations, and the private sector to discuss women's leadership in achieving the three pillars of Sustainable Development, namely economic prosperity, social justice, and environmental integrity.”

Nancy and Miss Mapple immediately get to work on their talks. Having looked at the agenda, they find many areas where their expertise in the food and feed sector correlates with the topic of sustainability.


It’s the day of the event, and the detectives are introduced to the stage. “To unravel the intricate connections between scientific innovation and sustainable food practices, I’d like to welcome to the stage Miss Mapple and Ms. Nancy Beef, highlighting the essential role women play in this journey.”

Miss Mapple kicks off proceedings with a talk about the importance of clean water and sanitation, highlighting the vital role that women scientists, such as her good friend Maren, play. She explains the laboratory techniques, such as Extraction, used in testing water quality and how these methods are vital for sustainable food processing.

Next up, Nancy dives into the role of women in optimizing energy use in food production. She highlights the use of NIR spectroscopy in reducing energy consumption and saving resources. Nancy explains how women are often underrepresented in science roles and tells the story of her mentor, Sonja, who taught her about the wonders of NIR spectroscopy.

Miss Mapple continues the thread of food production and highlights the use of NIR-Online in processes that support reducing plastic waste. She remembers being horrified when her friend Andriana told her that 90% of the 10,000,000,000 tons of plastic waste produced in the last 70 years is still around. Miss Mapple says how she contributed to solving the problem by using the knowledge she had acquired about NIR-Online technology from her role model Martina.

In the concluding section, both detectives come together to discuss the overarching theme of empowering women in science. They stress the importance of inclusivity and diversity in scientific fields, reflecting on their roles as female detectives in a predominantly male-dominated field. They tell the story of the men “fixing” the kettle and how they stayed quiet about their role in solving the case, highlighting how there is still work to be done. Nancy wished that her friend Sofia had been there as she wouldn’t have hesitated to put the men in their place and hoped she, too, could develop the courage to speak up. They also highlight the “Science in Braille: Making Science Accessible” workshop, emphasizing the importance of making science inclusive for all, including those with disabilities. To end their talk, Nancy and Miss Mapple left the audience with a list of resources to encourage and empower women in science. “The contributions of women in science are not just beneficial but essential. Let’s continue to support and celebrate the achievements of women in science, not just today, but every day.”
