Nitrogen & protein determination in corn, flour and soy

KjelDigester K-449, KjelMaster K-375 with KjelSampler K-376: nitrogen and protein determination in corn, flour and soy according to the Kjeldahl method
Nitrogen & protein determination in corn, flour and soy
An easy and reliable method for the determination of total nitrogen and protein in corn, flour and soy, according to ISO 20483:2006 and LFGB §64 L15.00-3, is introduced below. The samples are digested using the KjelDigester K-449. The distillation and boric acid titration are performed with the KjelMaster K-375 with KjelSampler K-376. The combination of the KjelDigester and the KjelMaster system K-375/K-376 increases the sample throughput.

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