Determination of total fat content in plant-based meat alternatives

HydrolEx H-506, FatExtractor E-500 SOX: total fat determination in plant-based meat samples according to Weibull-Stoldt

Determination of total fat content in plant-based meat alternatives

A simple and reliable procedure for determination of fat content in different plant-based meat samples according to Weibull-Stoldt Extraction is introduced. Vegan nutrition and sustainable plant-based protein sources are increasingly demanded by consumers. The samples are hydrolyzed using the HydrolEx H-506. The extraction is performed with the FatExtractor E-500 Soxhlet. Gravimetric determination of the total fat content follows the drying of the extract to a constant weight. The acid hydrolysis step increases the fat recovery rates and is recommended for the determination of the total fat content for these sample types. 

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