Unlock the Potential of the Glass Oven G-300

Enhance your research with our comprehensive guide.

The Glass Oven G-300 is the ultimate all-in-one tool for chemists, designed to withstand the rigours of daily use and support you throughout your career. If you work primarily with small samples, the G-300 can replace several larger instruments, providing a cost-effective and energy-efficient solution. 


The design of the Glass Oven G-300 aims to simplify a wide range of tasks while adhering to BUCHI's commitment to quality. With precision controls and versatile configurations that enable a wide range of applications, the G-300 streamlines processes and delivers precision at every step.

Whether adapting and refining academic experiments of advancing pharmaceutical breakthroughs, this versatile instrument supports your success.

Key Highlights of the Flyer:

  • Find out how the G-300 is used for pharmaceutical discovery.
  • Kugelrohr and Drying configurations explained.
  • Insights into how the Glass Oven G-300 supports GMP compliance. 

Discover how the Glass Oven G-300 supports drug discovery today.

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