Determination of Quality Parameters in Yoghurt
ProxiMate NIR and NIRFlex N-500: Analysis of moisture, fat, protein, and pH in Yoghurt
The determination of quality parameters in yoghurt is a crucial process that ensures the production of a high-quality and safe product. Regular monitoring and analysis throughout the production process allow for adjustments and improvements ensuring consistency and quality of the yoghurt product. The determination of quality parameters usually involves time-consuming and labor intensive analysis techniques.
As a multiparameter analysis method that is non-destructive and rapid without any sample prepration, NIR spectroscopy is a valuable tool for process and quality control in the dairy industry. Pre-calibrated NIR applications can readily be applied to measure important quality features of Yoghurt, such as moisture, protein, fat, or pH. These parameters are important for evaluating the nutritional value, texture, and sensory properties of the product.
Find out more about calibration ranges and comparsion to reference values in this application note.
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