Quality Control from Raw Fish to Fish Meal

ProxiMate NIR Up View: Process Control in the Fish and Fish Meal Industry

Quality Control from Raw Fish to Fish Meal

Fish meal, a valuable protein source used in animal feed, undergoes rigorous quality control to meet industry standards and regulatory requirements. Therefore, the journey from fish meat to press cake and finally fish meal involves several quality control stages. Starting with the freshness of the raw material then monitoring the process stages such as cooking, pressing, and drying and grading of the final product according to its quality. 

This application note shows how Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR) can be applied along the whole production process of fish meal. From the floating platforms to the factory, NIR increases analyst safety as well as analysis frequency as a non-destructive, multi-parameter method. NIR can assess the quality of the different product stages, from the raw material to the final product, by measuring key components, such as moisture, fat , protein and most importantly TVN. But also ash, chlorides, or acidity can be detemined by NIR.

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