Spray Drying of P 6 (Sexual attractant)

Application Note Mini Spray Dryer B-290 P 6 (Sexual attractant)
Spray Drying of P 6 (Sexual attractant)

Spray drying has been used to create a more stable formulation of Pheromone P6, a sexual attractant compound used for pest management in agriculture. Spray drying has the advantage of producing dry and free-flowing powders, which are easy to handle and store. This technique can also be used to modify the release properties of the compound, leading to better pest management strategies. The spray-dried P6 formulation can be incorporated into dispensers, which release the pheromone over a specific period, mimicking the natural release of the compound by the insects. The use of spray-dried P6 formulations has shown promising results in controlling the population of certain pests, such as fruit flies and moths, which can cause significant damage to crops. Overall, spray drying is a valuable tool in the formulation and delivery of pheromones, aiding in the development of effective and sustainable pest management strategies in agriculture.

Please see the application note for starting paramters, formulations and some results.

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