FilterFilterSearchIndustriesChemicalsEnvironmentalFeedFood / BeveragePharma & BiotechApplicationsChemicalsBasic ChemicalsBiofuelsFine / Specialty ChemicalsFlavour / FragrancesMaterial SciencePetrochemicalsPolymersEnvironmentalAirSoil / Sludge / SedimentWasteWaste WaterFeedAquaFarm AnimalPetFood / BeverageAgricultural productsBakery / ConfectioneryBars / RestaurantsBeveragesDairyMeat and SeafoodOil / FatsReady Meals and PackagingPharma & BiotechBiotechnologyCannabisCosmeticsNatural Products / NutraceuticalsStandard DrugsTechnologyChromatographyDigestionDryingEncapsulationEvaporationExtractionIncinerationMelting PointNIR SpectroscopySteam DistillationProduct TypeDigestionAuxiliaries for DigestionHigh SpeedHigh ThroughputDryingFreeze DryersSpray DryersEncapsulationEncapsulation by Spray DryersEncapsulatorsEvaporationAuxiliaries for EvaporationIndustrial EvaporatorsLaboratory EvaporatorsParallel EvaporatorsExtractionAuxiliaries for ExtractionPressurized solvent extractorSolvent ExtractorsIncinerationAuxiliaries for IncinerationNIR SpectroscopyAuxiliaries for NIR SpectroscopyLaboratory NIR SpectrometersNIR-Online SpectrometersSteam DistillationAuxiliaries for Steam DistilationKjeldahl ApplicationsSteam VolatilesReset filterApply filter HomeKnowledgeApplicationsResults302 Spray Drying of Sodium fluorideApplication Note Mini Spray Dryer B-290 Sodium fluorideSpray Drying of SullageApplication Note Mini Spray Dryer B-290 SullageSpray Drying of RiboflavinApplication Note Mini Spray Dryer B-290 RiboflavinSpray Drying of Soy bean extractApplication Note Mini Spray Dryer B-290 Soy bean extractPolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sludge samplesSpeedExtractor E-916, Syncore Analyst: Pressurized Solvent Extraction of a sludge sample for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)Spray Drying of Silicon nitride mixtureApplication Note Mini Spray Dryer B-290 Silicon nitride mixtureSpray Drying of Tungsten carbide (WC)Application Note Mini Spray Dryer B-290 Tungsten carbide (WC)Spray Drying of PolyacrylateApplication Note Mini Spray Dryer B-290 PolyacrylateSpray Drying of ZrAl3, ZrSi2, Al2O3 and ResinSpray Drying of ZrAl3, ZrSi2, Al2O3 and Resin with the Mini Spray Dryer B-290Spray Drying of Somatostatine (Vapreotide pamoate)Application Note Mini Spray Dryer B-290 Somatostatine (Vapreotide pamoate)Spray Drying of Styrol-methylacrylate-divinylbenzeneApplication Note Mini Spray Dryer B-290 Styrol-methylacrylate-divinylbenzeneSpray Drying of Recombinant human DNAseApplication Note Mini Spray Dryer B-290 Recombinant human DNAaseSpray Drying of Valerian extractApplication Note Mini Spray Dryer B-290 Valerian extractUniform and dry SiO2 beads with the EncapsulatorEncapsulator B-390 / B-395 Pro: Manufacturing of dry spherical monodisperse SiO2 beads with a size of 430 μmSpray Drying of PollenApplication Note Mini Spray Dryer B-290 PollenSpray drying of microalgaeBUCHI Mini Spray Dryer B-290: Yield and total yield determination in spray dried microalgaesNano Spray Drying of Bovine Serum AlbuminInnovative method for spray drying proteins with high yields.Spray Drying of Strontium FerritesApplication Note Mini Spray Dryer B-290 Strontium FerritesSpray Drying of Sodium AlginateApplication Note Mini Spray Dryer B-290 Sodium AlginateSpray Drying of Print colourApplication Note Mini Spray Dryer B-290 Print colour Prev1...141516Next Popular GuidesFood Analysis Champion Guide BookThis guidebook offers a comprehensive summary of how NIR and reference methods, such as fat extraction and the Kjeldahl method for protein determination, are used at all steps in the food processing chain. Get a detailed overview of the techniques, including sample preparation, regulatory measures, troubleshooting, FAQs, and case-specific studies. The Right-Hand Book for Cannabis ScientistsUse this booklet on cannabis science to learn about harvesting and extracting cannabinoids (THC, CBD) and terpenoids, concentrating actives, recycling solvent, purifying cannabinoids and removing pesticidesFreeze Drying Adviser Vol.2: Illustrated toolkit for general usersThis guide provides you with knowledge about hardware, the freeze-drying process, overview of the most important parameters and steps in sample preparation.Cosmetics Lab Magazine Vol 1In “COSMETICS LAB” Issue 1, read about the latest trends in cosmetics development, workflows for cosmetics R&D and quality control, ingredients used in natural cosmetics development and common lab techniques used for cosmetics innovation. Cosmetics Lab Magazine Vol 2In "COSMETICS LAB" Issue 2, gain useful information on how to turn natural raw material into active compounds. Benefit from useful information on techniques used in all steps of cosmetics development. Learn how to extract and screen for active ingredients and how to use chromatography to purify raw material. Plus fun facts, horoscopes, quizzes and an exclusive interview on the topic of fighting misinformation in the cosmetics industry. Cosmetics Lab Magazine Vol 3In "COSMETICS LAB" Issue 3, find everything you need to know about the making of make-up. Improve your formulation proficiency by gaining insightful information on microencapsulation and spray drying. Plus read cosmetics formulation tips, recipes, quizzes, horscopes and an exlcusive interview with a microencapsulation expert. Cosmetics Lab Magazine Vol 4In "COSMETICS LAB" Issue 4, gain knowledge on modern and established techniques used for quality control in the cosmetics industry. Learn how to convincingly demonstrate product safety and performance by optimizing your QC processes. Specific topics include green sample preparation using pressurized liquid extraction (PLE), benefits and limitations of chromatography detectors used in QC, the importance of performing trace metal element analysis, how NIR speeds up the QC process and more.Chromapedia: the complete guideThe complete Chromapedia presents you with essential knowledge for developing and performing the optimal flash chromatography and prep HPLC method. Rely on concise theory and clear explanations of all parts of the chromatography process. Use chromatography basics to develop your own method with consumables, detection methods, stationary and mobile phases that ideally fit your application.It's time to separate! – PosterDownload your free poster now – "It's time to separate!" Check out some hints to boost your chromatography system! 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