Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen determination in wastewater
In this application note, an easy and reliable method for the determination of TKN in wastewater is introduced: Samples are digested with the SpeedDigester K-439 using Kjeldahl tablets Titanium. A steam distillation protocol followed by a colorimetric titration in boric acid is performed with the MultiKjel and Metrohm Eco Titrator, respectively, providing reliable and reproducible results.
Nitrogen & protein determination in feed
An easy and reliable method for the determination of total nitrogen and protein in animal feed products according to the Kjeldahl method is introduced. The determination of nitrogen and protein in animal feed products using the SpeedDigester K-439 and Kjel Line systems with colorimetric titration provides reliable and reproducible results. These results correspond well to the certified reference values with low relative standard deviations.