Filter过滤搜索行业制药/生物化工环境食品/饮料饲料应用制药/生物化妆品天然产物/保健品工业大麻标准药物生物技术化工基础化学品材料科学生物燃料石油化工产品精细/专用化学品聚合物香料/香精环境土壤/污泥/沉积物废弃物污水空气食品/饮料乳制品 农产品即食食品和包装材料油脂糕点/糖果肉制品和海鲜产品酒吧/餐厅饮料饲料宠物家畜水技术方面干燥产品微胶囊技术消化灼烧熔点仪色谱产品萃取蒸发类产品蒸汽蒸馏近红外光谱产品类型干燥产品冷冻干燥机喷雾干燥仪微胶囊技术喷雾干燥仪微胶囊造粒仪消化消化类产品高通量高速灼烧焚化类产品萃取加压溶剂萃取溶剂萃取仪萃取类产品蒸发类产品实验室级蒸发系统工业级蒸发系统平行浓缩仪蒸发类产品蒸汽蒸馏凯氏定氮仪应用蒸汽挥发物蒸汽蒸馏类产品近红外光谱在线近红外光谱仪实验室近红外光谱仪近红外光谱仪重置过滤器应用过滤器 首页其它资源应用结果602 Determination of Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs) in soil and sewage sludge using the SpeedExtractor E-916SpeedExtractor E-916: Determination of Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs) in soil and sewage sludge using the SpeedExtractor E-916Mini Spray Dryer B-290Mini Spray Dryer B-290Mini Spray Dryer B-290Determination of trace metals by aqua regia digestionDetermination of trace metals by aqua regia digestion according to ISO 11466Determination of oil in fish mealFatExtractor E-500 ECE: determination of oil content in a fish meal sample by continuous extraction according to AOCS Ba 3-38Extraction of Sediment using the SpeedExtractor E-916 for the Determination of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)SpeedExtractor E-916: Extraction of Sediment using the SpeedExtractor E-916 for the Determination of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)Dioxin and PCB determination in foodstuffsSpeedExtractor E-914: Pressurized solvent extraction for the determination of dioxins and PCBs in dairy, egg, pork and fishMini Spray Dryer B-290Determination of Polymer Plasticizers in Polyamide samples using the SpeedExtractor E-916SpeedExtractor E-916, Multivapor™: Determination of Polymer Plasticizers in Polyamide samples using the SpeedExtractor E-916Mini Spray Dryer B-290Extraction of Spices using the SpeedExtractor E-916 for the determination of PesticidesSpeedExtractor E-916: Extraction of Spices using the SpeedExtractor E-916 for the determination of PesticidesDetermination of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soil, Sediment and Waste Samples using the SpeedExtractor E-916SpeedExtractor E-916: Determination of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soil, Sediment and Waste Samples using the SpeedExtractor E-916Mini Spray Dryer B-290Application Note Mini Spray Dryer B-290 GlucuronidaseHigh molecular weight HALS in LDPESpeedExtractor E-916: Quantification of high molecular weight HALS (hindered amine light stabilizer) in LDPE (Low density polyethylene) comparing Soxhlet extraction and pressurized solvent extraction.Mini Spray Dryer B-290Mini Spray Dryer B-290Mini Spray Dryer B-290Mini Spray Dryer B-290 前1...12131431下一个 常用指南完整食品分析支持指导手册该指导手册全面概述了 NIR 和参考方法(例如,脂肪萃取和凯氏定氮法用于蛋白质测定)如何在食品加工链的所有步骤中使用。详细了解这些技术,包括样品制备、监管措施、故障排除、常见问题解答和案例特定研究。大麻科学家手册使用这本关于大麻科学的手册,了解有关收获和萃取大麻素(THC、CBD)和萜类化合物、浓缩活性物质、回收溶剂、纯化大麻素和去除农药的知识。冷冻干燥指导第 2 期:面向普通用户的插图工具包该指南为您提供有关硬件、冷冻干燥过程、最重要参数的概述以及样品制备步骤的知识。Cosmetics Lab 杂志第 1 期在《COSMETICS LAB》第一期中,了解化妆品开发的最新趋势、化妆品研发和质量控制的工作流程、天然化妆品开发中使用的成分以及化妆品创新中常用的实验室技术。Cosmetics Lab 杂志第 2 期在《COSMETICS LAB》第 2 期中,获得有关如何将天然原料转变为活性化合物的有用信息。从化妆品开发所有步骤使用的技术方面的有用信息中受益。了解如何萃取和筛选活性成分,以及如何使用色谱法纯化原材料。还提供有趣的实例、星座运势、测验和有关打击化妆品行业误导信息的专访。Cosmetics Lab 杂志第 3 期在《COSMETICS LAB》第 3 期中,可找到有关彩妆制作所需的所有知识。获取有关微胶囊化和喷雾干燥的颇有见地的信息,提高您的配方熟练度。还可以阅读化妆品配方技巧、秘方、测验、星座运势以及微囊专家的专访。Cosmetics Lab 杂志第 4 期在《COSMETICS LAB》第 4 期中,获得有关化妆品行业中用于质量控制的现代和成熟技术的知识。了解如何通过优化质量控制流程来有力地证明产品安全性和性能。具体主题包括:使用加压液体萃取 (PLE) 制备绿色样品、用于质量控制的色谱检测器的优点和局限性、进行痕量金属元素分析的重要性、NIR 如何加快质量控制流程等。色谱百科:完整指南完整色谱百科为您提供开发和执行最佳快速色谱和 HPLC 制备方法的基本知识。依靠简洁的理论和对色谱过程所有部分的清晰解释。使用色谱基础知识,通过耗材、检测方法、最适合您的应用的固定相和流动相来开发自己的方法。是纯化分离的时候了!–海报现在就下载您的免费海报 – "是纯化分离的时候了!"查看一些提示来提高您的色谱系统 常见应用说明Nitrogen Determination in Nitrate Containing FertilizersNitrogen Determination in Nitrate Containing Fertilizers according to AOAC 955.04-D (Kjeldahl Method) – Block DigestionPre-Extraction and Extraction of Hypericin in St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) using the SpeedExtractor E-916SpeedExtractor E-916: Pre-Extraction and Extraction of Hypericin in St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) using the SpeedExtractor E-916PLGA sub-micron particles by Nano Spray DryingNano-spray drying for drug delivery of smallest particlesNitrogen and protein determination in tofuNitrogen and protein determination in tofu according to the Kjeldal method (back titration)