FatExtractor E-500

Quick and compliant

The FatExtractor E-500 is designed for quick and compliant fat extraction. Readily adapt your FatExtractor E-500 to changing needs with the interchangeable glass assembly and execute extractions according to Soxhlet, Randall or Twisselmann.

  • Application:Fat extraction from food / feed samples
  • Extraction methods:Soxhlet, Hot extraction, Continuous extraction
  • Solvents:Petroleum ether, Hexane, Chloroform
FatExtractor E-500

True Soxhlet

Soxhlet extraction is exhaustive and rugged and the principle remains as the mostly used and regulatorily demanded method for many sample matrices. We offer quick and compliant true Soxhlet with the cost-efficient FatExtractor E-500. This method obliterates the need for time-consuming validation of other extraction methods deviating from the standard, while guaranteeing the most accurate analytical performance possible. Because of its reliability, Soxhlet extraction is also used as a reference method for NIR calibrations.

True Soxhlet

Soxhlet extraction made faster

The FatExtractor E-500 offers you reduced time-to-result and unprecedent sample throughput per day. How? Optical sensors, powerful heating and optimized glass assembly combined to substantially reduce your extraction times. An automated Soxhlet process enables you to reach unmatched speed compared to traditional glass assemblies.

Soxhlet extraction made faster

Interchange between glass assemblies (SOX-HE-ECE)

Easily exchange glass assemblies that are compliant with Soxhlet, Randall (HE) and Twisselmann (ECE) for true versatility. The FatExtractor E-500 is not limited to one extraction method, but is adaptable to your changing needs. Profit from unrivalled quick extraction times and lowest solvent consumption during HE.

Interchange between glass assemblies (SOX-HE-ECE)


  • By simply changing the glass assembly, the FatExtractor E-500 complies with standard methods such as Soxhlet, Hot Extraction (HE) or Twisselmann (ECE).

    Interchangeable glass assembly
  • The freshly distilled solvent is collected in an easily accessible and detach­able bottle. Execute an environmental friendly extraction process and save money. The innovative flange z-seal system guarantees minimal solvent emission.

    Re-use your solvent
  • In the Soxhlet LSV version, the main glass parts are expanded up to 60 %, as needed for direct extraction of low fat samples.

    Adapt to sample size
  • Gain highest turnaround of Soxhlet cycles by adjusting the level detection sensor to the sample volume. Significantly increase the extraction efficiency and your sample throughput per day.

    Individual level sensors

Compare the FatExtractor E-500

  • FatExtractor E-500 SOX

    • FatExtractor E-500 ECE

      • FatExtractor E-500 HE

        • FatExtractor E-500 SOX ER

          "I have used Soxhlet E-500 BUCHI fat extraction system, I find this device good, convenient and I also fully trust the quality of extracted fat, recovered for determination of fatty acid composition"Nguyen Thi Thanh Chi, Lab operation manager - UpScience, Vietnam


          Discover more documents


          From classical fat to residue and contaminant analysis

          BUCHI offers dedicated extraction solutions for fat determination, as well as for residue and contaminant analysis in various matrices. We cover the entire range of automated extraction methods. Our solutions allow for perfect workflow integration, thus minimizing manual steps.
          • Food

            Crude fat and total fat (after acid hydrolysis) determination in food. For labelling, as sample preparation for fatty acid profile or residue and contaminant analysis, reference method for NIR calibrations.

          • Feed

            Crude fat and total fat determination (after acid hydrolysis) in feed and pet food. For labelling, as sample preparation for fatty acid profile or residue and contaminant analysis, reference method for NIR calibrations.
