Typically, rotary evaporation in cocktail creation is used to add flavor or remove undesirable characteristics of an ingredient. With a rotary evaporator, you can capture and preserve the aroma of spices, herbs and fruits that are often otherwise dried out and lost due to use of excessive heat in traditional distillations.
The rotary evaporator could also be used to remove unpleasant colours, where a crystal-clear liquid could still have distinct pleasant flavors of coffee, tea or others. Alternatively, a rotary evaporator could be used to remove an unpleasant property, such as spicey hot from chilies, while preserving desirable characteristics, such as pepper or smokey tastes. Similarly, rotary evaporation can help extract fat and grease creating more tasty and healthy drinks. The system can also be used to splice texture or extract unique flavors from more exotic ingredients such as minerals, tree barks or rare fruits.
In summary, the rotary evaporation technology is particularly useful for capturing the essence of delicate ingredients that traditional distillation cannot. The instrument can help remove tannins imparted to spirts during the aging process, remove undesirable colour, spice, bitterness and produce innovative final products that are clean, fresh and unaffected by the flavor-killing effects of too much heat.