"姜黄素是姜黄的多酚类物质,来源于姜黄的根茎。在过去的几年中,姜黄多脂酸长(C. longa)已经被证明具有几种药理活性,其性质包括抗氧化、抗炎症或抗肿瘤作用。这些特性被归因于一组酚类化合物,姜黄素,其中包括姜黄素、去甲氧基姜黄素和双去甲氧基姜黄素。大剂量的姜黄素被显示为药理学上安全的,然而,姜黄素在口服时会迅速代谢和排泄。由于其亲脂特性,姜黄素显示出低系统生物利用度和糟糕的药代动力学,这限制了其体内效力。姜黄素也被报道在酸性溶液中几乎不溶,在碱性溶液中不稳定,在那里它们分解成产品,从而使其在制药中的使用无效。发展姜黄素纳米颗粒将是提高姜黄素稳定性和溶解性的有趣方法。在这个应用说明中,将探讨使用Nano Spray Dryer B-90 HP从姜黄素溶液中生产亚微米颗粒的可能性。"
Cosmetics Lab Magazine Vol 4
In "COSMETICS LAB" Issue 4, gain knowledge on modern and established techniques used for quality control in the cosmetics industry. Learn how to convincingly demonstrate product safety and performance by optimizing your QC processes. Specific topics include green sample preparation using pressurized liquid extraction (PLE), benefits and limitations of chromatography detectors used in QC, the importance of performing trace metal element analysis, how NIR speeds up the QC process and more.